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  Math Tools

scrnGC2: Calc Input
scrnGC3: f(x) Plot Input
scrnGC4: g(x) Plot Input
The inputs above will be hidden when the program finally gets launched. Currently, I am not hiding them even when you close the calculator. The purpose of the inputs is to help in debugging. This allows you to enter simple code on the calculator screen but the program translates the input to javascript math. Give it a try and see if you notice any obvious problems or have suggestions for improvements.
Matrix Basics Help
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Matrix Dimensions
Matrices are dimensioned by rows and columns, which is typically shown as rxc.
Example 1:        is a 1x3 matrix.
Example 2:        is a 2x3 matrix.
Example 3:        is a 3x1 matrix.
Example 4:        is a 3x2 matrix.
Matrix Addition and Subtraction
When adding or subtracting matrices all of the matrices must have the same dimension.  Addition or subtraction is performed by the identical position entry of each matrix; i.e. [a  b] + [c  d] = [a+c b+d] and [a  b] - [c  d] = [a-c  b-d].  Be careful when subtracting negative numbers.
Example 5:     
Example 6:     
Example 7:     
Example 8:     
Scalar Multiplication
The scalar product of a matrix is found by multiplying every single term by the scalar multiplier.
Example 9:     
Example 10:     
Example 11:     
Example 12:     

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