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Tools / Misc
  Math Tools

scrnGC2: Calc Input
scrnGC3: f(x) Plot Input
scrnGC4: g(x) Plot Input
The inputs above will be hidden when the program finally gets launched. Currently, I am not hiding them even when you close the calculator. The purpose of the inputs is to help in debugging. This allows you to enter simple code on the calculator screen but the program translates the input to javascript math. Give it a try and see if you notice any obvious problems or have suggestions for improvements.
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In this section we will be transforming each of the parent curves, shown previously in the family of curves section. For each function, moving left to right in each row, the first slide will be the original function and the negative of the function. The next slide is moved up and down. The third is moved left and right. The last one is scaled up or down. For a linear function, note how it is very hard to distinguish a right-left move from an up-down move. For this reason, if you look closely, you can see a couple of dots that have been put on each line to illustrate the difference between the two.
Linear Function Transforms
Up - Down
Left - Right
Square Function Transforms
Up - Down
Left - Right
Cube Function Transforms
Up - Down
Left - Right
Inverse Function Transforms
Up - Down
Left - Right
Square Root Function Transforms
Up - Down
Left - Right
Absolute Function Transforms
Up - Down
Left - Right
Having examined each of these transforms, hopefully you can draw the following conclusions:

•  Negation: Multiplication by (-1) flips the parent function upside down.

•  Up-Down: Adding to the function will move it up, subtracting will move it down.

•  Left-Right: Adding to 'x' will move it left, subtracting from 'x' will move it right.

•  Scaling: Multiplying the function by a number greater than one (1) will cause the curve to get
   narrower and taller.  Multiplying the function by a number less than one (1) or dividing by a
   number greater than one will cause the curve to get wider and shorter.

© 2002- John Schlecht. All rights reserved.